Friday, December 27, 2013

See The Difference

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School Cleaning Tips

When the kids head back to school it is time for everyone to have to adjust schedules a bit.
From Bed times to cleaning up, things will change.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Friday, October 26, 2012

Fall Fun

Fall is a favorite time of the year here at 3-D. The weather starts cooling down, soup is on the stove and families start coming together in anticipation for the holidays. To celebrate fall, we thought we would share with you some of our favorite traditions and some cool autumn fun facts…..

During fall the days start getting shorter, our planet is actually tilting, fall in the US is when we are actually farther away from the sun, making us have longer night and shorter days!! And of course we don’t get the rays like we do in summer, causing us to start with cooler weather.

Before the terms fall and Autumn were used, this time of the year was called harvest. Harvest is this time of the year when crops are collected.

Mums provide an array of fall coloring, making them a staple for the season.

Pumpkins are fruits! They are members of the squash family, which makes most people think they are vegetables.

In the south, you hear people refer to pumpkin, as punkin J

There is appx a cup of seeds inside a pumpkin.

Thanksgiving is always the 4th Thursday of November, causing Thanksgiving in 2012 to be earlier than normal, 22nd.

All around us, animals are preparing for the winter, gathering food, making their homes nice and cozy, take a moment out to observe nature’s glory!


The holidays can be a hectic time just with all of the busyness. If you find yourself with a flooded home, office or building, don’t forget your friends at 3-D. We will help make this a less than stressful event in the midst of the busyness. Please refer your friends, neighbors and business associates. We also specialize in carpet, upholstery and tile cleaning. Call today!! 407-292-4636
Friend us on facebook at or on the web

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Beat The Heat

In Florida the temperatures can heat 100 easily in the summer. It is hard to stay cool when juggling work, home, yard work, sports. The key to staying ahead of the heat game is water. PLENTY of water, young and old alike must stay hydrated. Heat stroke can happen very quickly.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Think You Only Had A “little water intrusion”? Think Again!!!!


Most people do not realize the damage water can do if not properly dried. You make think that all that was affected as a small area but upon inspection by a certified professional, time and time again, the damage is more than the naked eye can see. Drywall acts as a wick and absorbs the water at a rapid rate, something you may not notice for some time (usually when mold appears). Then there is the leak that happened on your wood floors (or manufactured wood), what you think was just a 3x3 area may actually be the entire house, as the water flows under the barrier  throughout the structure. How about the water you clean up in front of your kitchen cabinets only to determine that it actually leaked under the cabinets. Then you have large structures that may have many layers of drywall, how can you be sure they are all dry? Once again, the only way is to make sure you hire an IICRC certified professional. They have the proper equipment to test your structure.
If in the Central Florida Area,
Call 3-D Restorations to DRY YOUR PLACE