Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Why Should I Clean My Carpets?

There was a time that people only cleaned their carpets or thought they needed to clean them when they saw that they were dirty. That is a myth that needs education.
Clean carpet is not just about the appearance, by the time you visibly see the dirt, there is so much more you don’t see down in your fibers. Especially if you do not practice taking your shoes off at the door or if you have pets and children.
It is recommended that you vacuum your carpet once a week for every person in your house. SO if you are a married couple with 3 children, you logically should vacuum 5 times a week, more if you have pets. If you are lacking in the area, then you would be amazed at what is down in your fibers that you are not seeing.
Carpet acts as a filter for your home, and if you don’t clean that filter, it becomes clogged and in time stops working. In most cases that filter will start to leak pollutants back into your home. You will notice an increase in colds, allergies, in the a/c system.
Also by not professionally cleaning your carpets and regularly vacuuming it, you are leaving dirts in that become abrasives to your carpet. Causing the fibers to rub against the dirt in which it acts like sand paper, slowly eating away at your fibers. This results in a shorter life span for your carpet. If you have not priced replacing your carpet, you should, it is an expensive lesson to learn.
So besides vacuuming what else can you do to keep your carpet looking new? Spot cleaning in between professional carpet cleaning is a must.
Why can’t I just rent a machine at my local super market and do it myself? There is no way a small rental machine can do the job of a professional cleaner. The time it takes you to actually clean the carpet is 5x as much as a professional service. The chemicals will never be fully out of your carpet. Which when that happens, the chemicals are dirt magnets and you will notice that your carpets will get much dirtier faster. Do it yourself also leaves a tremendous amount of water in the carpet. Which can take days to dry and may cause mold and mildew in the carpet.
How often should I get my carpets professionally cleaned? Only you can truly be the judge of that. But a good guide is 2-3 times a year depending upon the amount of traffic you have on your carpet (human and your animal friends). You may be able to get away with less often, with fewer people in your household.

And don’t forget about the upholstery on your sofas loveseats and even bed mattresses. Scientists believe that each person sheds almost a million skin cells in a 24 hour period. That adds up to over 8lbs of skin shed in an year. Where do you think that all goes? Usually on your furniture and beds. YUCK!! So don’t forget your upholstery when schedualing your cleaning. And certainly don’t forget about your car upholstery!!
Try the recommendations for a year and see if your home, car and your bodies feel better.

Don’t forget 3-D Restorations Inc is on call 24 hours a day for all of your Water Damage Emergencies. Home office or building flooded? Call 3-D, we will have in back to pre loss condition in no time!! 407-292-4636

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